
Diran 410MF07
Durable, Nylon-Based
FDM Thermoplastic

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Smooth, Tough Manufacturing Material

Diran 410MF07 is a durable, nylon-based thermoplastic. It demonstrates exceptional toughness and resistance to hydrocarbon-based chemicals, while maintaining a smooth, lubricious surface quality.

Tough for Tooling

Diran’s toughness and smooth, low-friction texture make it perfect for non-marring, factory-floor tooling that stands up to the job.

Typical applications.



Jigs, fixtures and end of arm tools



Smooth surface finishing for prototypes


Production Parts

Low-volume production and highly-customized parts

Best-in-class properties.

Printer compatibility.


Shorten lead times while producing complex parts with flexibility, accuracy and ease.

Find out more about the F370


Diran 410MF07 data sheet PDF
Diran 410MF07 safety sheet PDF
Diran 410MF07 material guide PDF
Materials Testing Procedure PDF

Jigs and fixtures made simple

Create jigs and fixtures faster, while lowering the cost of production.

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Production parts

Produce low-volume, customized production parts on-demand, without the high cost and long lead times of traditional manufacturing.

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