
Start Your 3D Printing ROI Analysis

Stratasys 3D Printing solutions can help your hospital personalize care and optimize surgical outcomes.

a man working on a 3D printed medical model

Discover the 3D Printing Potential in Your Hospital With an Expert Analysis

Find out exactly how 3D printing can improve both clinical outcomes and the bottom line at your hospital. A 3D printing program can positively affect many aspects of care, including shortening procedure time, avoiding costly complications, reducing inpatient stays and limiting readmissions which impact hospital profitability. Our Medical Experts will work with you to create a custom return on investment (ROI) analysis for 3D printing in your institution to discover exactly how and where 3D printing can yield significant advancements.

  • Patient-specific 3D printed models enable physicians to better plan, practice and determine optimal therapeutic approaches.
  • Improved surgical planning can reduce costs by avoiding complications, shortening operating time, accelerating patient recovery and reducing readmissions.
  • 3D printing enables hospitals to enhance their reputation as a leader in technology, and attract patients who want the personalized care a 3D printing institution can provide.

Talk to our Stratasys Medical Experts and discover the possibilities for 3D printing in your hospital.

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